He couldn't help but smile at her and lean in to kiss her cool lips.
Now who's getting off topic? her words smushed by his attempt.
My anarchism is a philosophically personal form of anarchism—.
Your anarchism.
My anarchism makes the pragmatic assumption that if we're all going to follow whatever laws we want within our personal willingness to face the consequences, that parallels how all creatures perform in nature and grants a personal autonomy to each person. All forms of government are oppression. It's a question of how much baseline oppression we’re willing to tolerate. And as far as your democracy goes, we don't live in a democracy. This is a republic which is far from being a form of majority rule.
It's an efficient form of popular rule, Hatchet. A representative democracy. Most people are not interested in the processes of administering society, and as such, won't invest much in the way of understanding the processes and issues. We elect people to office who understand these processes and are willing to take into account the needs of the people who elected them.
And you call anarchism a fairy-tale?
It's about efficiency.
Why not embrace our natural instincts and live in a world where every situation is evaluated based on consensus? This applies to dealing with everything, including violent crimes.
Impossible. Consensus rule is too slow and cumbersome.
That's the same argument made against our so-called democratic system by totalitarian regimes like China and North Korea.
Jesus Christ. She yanked his hand from the cozy spot it had found in her crotch and leaned back to grab the bottle of wine sitting in the dirt. A representative democracy is the only solution. The only real problem with it right now is the amount of money we've allowed into the process. She took a huge gulp from the wine. But a simple adjustment to the Constitution can fix that. Even with all of our technology, the idea of a direct democracy is still out of reach. I still contend that even if we could ensure that manipulation of a direct democratic vote is impossible--
If we can bank online, we can vote online.
—we still have to deal with the fact that people just don't take the time to inform themselves of the issues enough to have a valid say in every single decision that needs to be made.
Hatchet could see the toll the wine had taken in her drooping eyes and loose neck. He gripped her flayed legs like bicycle handles and pulled her in very close to him, breathing in her floral scent against the woody aroma of the campfire. You're still relenting to the conditioning that the human race has endured for far too long, he told her. Evolution controls all living things. The word evolution itself is a synonym for change. The history of homo sapiens is full of long drawn out change and short drastic change. The idea of leisure is a new development in human experience.
Malorie attempted to interrupt him but he kept going, Societies have evolved from thousands of years of mutual paternal and maternal rule into monarchist structures based on the influence of religious dogmas derived from a naive understanding of the universe. Now that we are revealing that the mystical and the unseen are more mechanical and benign than our ancestors could ever have guessed, we are in a period of rapid growing pains. You said we are a special species. Yes, we are. We are unique in the animal kingdom in only one way. We can calculate the future based on past experience instead of being herded by pure instinct.
She covered his mouth with her hand. That's the second time you've invoked religion during this discussion. He grasped her wrist and pulled her hand away. So? So you've run from that conversation every time I've tried to bring it up; it's not fair. What the hell is wrong with you? Fuck you, Hatchet! She sent the bottle into the fire and when it didn't explode, her anger swelled with bulbous potential. She pulled away from him and rose to her feet, dragging the blankets draped over her shoulders, leaving Hatchet cold and bare chested in the dancing orange lumina of the flames. Drunk, pacing and huffing, Malorie stumbled around the fire on the verge of tears.
What do you wanna know, Malorie? I wanna know why. Why what? why I don't believe in your god? She stopped as if stricken with anagnorisis and glared at him. Then she wadded the blankets into a boulder of fabric and propelled it into his confused face. I'm happy for you, ya know, she began as she bent to grab her boots from the ground, I'm so happy for you being the most enlightened, being the purest light in this dark wilderness of retards! but do you really believe all this shit? that you're that special? some of us need these things, these assurances that we're not alone, that we are being guided by something that really cares for us and wants us to make the right choices! you may be as strong and as smart as you think you are—which is a long shot—but some of us aren't! and you can't go around just hating it all because it's so stupid to you! Hatchet sat dumbfounded. She was telling his future about his past but all he could muster in response: What the fuck is wrong? Just take me home, Hatchet. Malorie—. Take me home goddamn you!
Now who's getting off topic? her words smushed by his attempt.
My anarchism is a philosophically personal form of anarchism—.
Your anarchism.
My anarchism makes the pragmatic assumption that if we're all going to follow whatever laws we want within our personal willingness to face the consequences, that parallels how all creatures perform in nature and grants a personal autonomy to each person. All forms of government are oppression. It's a question of how much baseline oppression we’re willing to tolerate. And as far as your democracy goes, we don't live in a democracy. This is a republic which is far from being a form of majority rule.
It's an efficient form of popular rule, Hatchet. A representative democracy. Most people are not interested in the processes of administering society, and as such, won't invest much in the way of understanding the processes and issues. We elect people to office who understand these processes and are willing to take into account the needs of the people who elected them.
And you call anarchism a fairy-tale?
It's about efficiency.
Why not embrace our natural instincts and live in a world where every situation is evaluated based on consensus? This applies to dealing with everything, including violent crimes.
Impossible. Consensus rule is too slow and cumbersome.
That's the same argument made against our so-called democratic system by totalitarian regimes like China and North Korea.
Jesus Christ. She yanked his hand from the cozy spot it had found in her crotch and leaned back to grab the bottle of wine sitting in the dirt. A representative democracy is the only solution. The only real problem with it right now is the amount of money we've allowed into the process. She took a huge gulp from the wine. But a simple adjustment to the Constitution can fix that. Even with all of our technology, the idea of a direct democracy is still out of reach. I still contend that even if we could ensure that manipulation of a direct democratic vote is impossible--
If we can bank online, we can vote online.
—we still have to deal with the fact that people just don't take the time to inform themselves of the issues enough to have a valid say in every single decision that needs to be made.
Hatchet could see the toll the wine had taken in her drooping eyes and loose neck. He gripped her flayed legs like bicycle handles and pulled her in very close to him, breathing in her floral scent against the woody aroma of the campfire. You're still relenting to the conditioning that the human race has endured for far too long, he told her. Evolution controls all living things. The word evolution itself is a synonym for change. The history of homo sapiens is full of long drawn out change and short drastic change. The idea of leisure is a new development in human experience.
Malorie attempted to interrupt him but he kept going, Societies have evolved from thousands of years of mutual paternal and maternal rule into monarchist structures based on the influence of religious dogmas derived from a naive understanding of the universe. Now that we are revealing that the mystical and the unseen are more mechanical and benign than our ancestors could ever have guessed, we are in a period of rapid growing pains. You said we are a special species. Yes, we are. We are unique in the animal kingdom in only one way. We can calculate the future based on past experience instead of being herded by pure instinct.
She covered his mouth with her hand. That's the second time you've invoked religion during this discussion. He grasped her wrist and pulled her hand away. So? So you've run from that conversation every time I've tried to bring it up; it's not fair. What the hell is wrong with you? Fuck you, Hatchet! She sent the bottle into the fire and when it didn't explode, her anger swelled with bulbous potential. She pulled away from him and rose to her feet, dragging the blankets draped over her shoulders, leaving Hatchet cold and bare chested in the dancing orange lumina of the flames. Drunk, pacing and huffing, Malorie stumbled around the fire on the verge of tears.
What do you wanna know, Malorie? I wanna know why. Why what? why I don't believe in your god? She stopped as if stricken with anagnorisis and glared at him. Then she wadded the blankets into a boulder of fabric and propelled it into his confused face. I'm happy for you, ya know, she began as she bent to grab her boots from the ground, I'm so happy for you being the most enlightened, being the purest light in this dark wilderness of retards! but do you really believe all this shit? that you're that special? some of us need these things, these assurances that we're not alone, that we are being guided by something that really cares for us and wants us to make the right choices! you may be as strong and as smart as you think you are—which is a long shot—but some of us aren't! and you can't go around just hating it all because it's so stupid to you! Hatchet sat dumbfounded. She was telling his future about his past but all he could muster in response: What the fuck is wrong? Just take me home, Hatchet. Malorie—. Take me home goddamn you!
Edit 12.30.2018