You hear people talk about the "hole" in their lives and you see them flimflammed by religion and spiritual pseudoscience and complicated, convoluted programs for happiness. When all they have to do is relax and accept the fact that when they get up in the morning, they are volunteering to jump into this mess. Volunteers are by definition unpaid workers. Anyone can checkout at anytime. When we endeavor to see all our struggles in context, when we learn to accept everything and expect nothing, all the while striving for the highest heights (because believe it or not, the act of striving is the natural baseline for human consciousness. "Doing nothing" is nearly impossible on a conscious level) the hard brutal world becomes a manageable beautiful world. Few things acquired with ease yield much reward. The struggle is yer friend and wants you to be a better person. "Struggle is all."
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November 2024
![]() Chrysalis, a growing collection of very short fiction.
![]() That Night Filled Mountain
episodes post daily. Paperback editions are available. My newest novel River of Blood is available on Amazon or Apple Books. Unless noted, all pics credited to Skitz O'Fuel.